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Philip Cannoneasy gradedpiano piecesPHILIP CANNONI have long wanted to write some piano pieces inspired by jazz and blues for theyoung of all ages.For jazz to me is a form of joy,an expression of our zest for life andour need to communicate with other people.Children have this gitt naturally andunselfconsciously,and wise adults keep enough of it in their systems to renew theiryouth.The jazz tradition has become our twentieth century folk lore,with the sharp humour,the simple warmth and the pithy vitality of the true American people.Blues are theobverse of the coin.By singing the blues we release the tensions of machine madeliving,the sorrows of great cities,the threats to personal identity.In these books theblues are not so very sad.Paradoxically,composing simply for the easier grades is remarkably complicated if oneis to achieve real music and at the same time suit the harmony and rhythmic subtletyto the ability of the pianist,developing the technical prowess required through eachsuccessive volume.You have to suggest,where the more accomplished jazz pianistwould elaborate or compulsively invent.The main thing,as in all composing,is toachieve the nucleus of a true and vital idea.This is rather like prospecting fordiamond bearing rock,you must search very widely and reject so much.Once youhave found your diamond,it must be cut and polished so that it will sparkle withdifferent lights from different angles,and give pleasure even when you have looked atit a thousand times.This should always be the composer's ideal,whether in writing asymphony or a simple jazz piece for piano.I hope that budding pianists will enjoy expressing the varying moods of these pieces,excercising their musical imagination in sharp contrasts of idea.Perhaps othermembers of the family will join in,spontaneously improvising their own percussion orvocal counterpoint as the mood takes them,as the creators of jazz did in the old days,and as my small daughter did while I was writing these pieces.That is why they arededicated to her.DEDICATED TO MY DAUGHTER(titles by JACQUELINE LAIDLAWContentsBRER-FOXTROTRAILROAD BOOGIE2CROSSHAND BOUNCE4YAKKETY-YAK..6SILVER SHADOWS8UPSIDE DOWN CAKEWALK10STEAMBOAT SAMBA12CRAZY CARILLON14BLUE SUNSHINE16
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