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JAZZ GUITARCHORD DICTIONARY553363339539129123365JAZZGUITAR.BETHE JAZZ GUITAR CHORD DICTIONARYThis jazz guitar chord dictionary is a reference to help you find great-sounding 7th-chord voicings to play and improvise over jazz standards.The 244 chord shapes onthis page are essential knowledge for any jazz guitarist and will help you to compchords with creativity,confidence,and variety.Now,you don't have to learn all of these chords at once.Instead,use this page as aresource that you come back to each time when you need to add a new chord to yourvocabulary.Have fun with these chords,get them under your fingers,and most importantly,applythem to jazz standards and chord progressions as soon as you can.Happy Playing,Dirk LaukensPS:If you are new to jazz guitar,check out these basic jazz guitar chords first.The Easy Guide ToJAZZ CHORDSJAZZ GUITAR CHORDSGUITARClick here to learn how to play jazz guitarchords.This eBook will take you from day1 of jazz guitar to comping over standardsin no time...CHORD TYPE LISTHow To Read Chord DiagramsBasic Chords·Major7 Chords·Dominant7 Chords·Minor7 ChordsHalf-Diminished Chords·Diminished7 Chords3Shell Chords (aka Guide Tone Chords)137 Shell Chords(E-String Root).173 Shell Chords(E-String Root)137 Shell Chords(A-String Root)173 Shell Chords(A-String Root)4Chords With Extensions·Major6·Major6(9)·Major9·Major13·Major7#11·Major7#5·Dominant 9·Dominant13
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