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Charlie Byrd - Jazz n Samba for Guitar The Music of Antonio Carlos Jobim by Charlie Byrd, Hal Leonard Corp. (z-lib.org)

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Charlie Byrd - Jazz n Samba for Guitar The Music of Antonio Carlos Jobim by Charlie Byrd, Hal Leonard Corp. (z-lib.org)
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CHARLIE BYRDJAZZ'N'SAMBA FOR GUITAR件网CHARLIE BYRDJAZZ 'N'SAMBA FOR GUITARNEW卧LARGED EDITIONInterpretation of the Bossa Nova,Playing Rhythm Guitar in the Bossa NovaSome Typical Bossa Nova Rhythm Patterns...........................4CHEGA DE SAUDADE(No More Blues)............................26DESAFINADO (Slightly Out Of Tune)..............................5DONT EVER GO AWAY (Por Causa De Voce).......................12ESTE SEU OLHAR (That Look You Wear)...........................18FOIA NOITE (It Was Night).......................................10IT WAS NIGHT(Foi A Noite)......10JAZZ'N'SAMBA(So Dango Samba)....8NO MORE BLUES(Chega De Saudade).............................26OQUE E QUE VAISER DE MIM................................16POR CAUSA DE VOCE (Don't Ever Go Away)....SE TODOS FOSSEM IGUAIS A VOCE(Someone To Light Up My Life)..21SLIGHTLY OUT OF TUNE (Desafinado)....................SO DANCO SAMBA(Jazz 'N'Samba).............SOMEONE TO LIGHT UP MY LIFE(Se Todos Fossem Iguais A Voce)....21THATLOOK YOUWEAR(Este Seu Olhar)..........................18VEM VIVER A MEULADO.......................................14BONUS SONGS:FLY ME TO THE MOON (In Other Words).........................29O PATO(The Duck)…30THOSE WERE THE DAYS..........32TROHOLLIS MUSIC,INC.The RICHMOND ORGANIZATION2INTERPRETATION OF THE BOSSA NOVAThe bossa nova should almost play itself.There is no feeling of "push"asin a jazz piece.Just ride along easily with everything rather understated--muchmore subtle than,say,the mambo or cha-cha-cha.The melody must be given prime consideration.Not only must the melodybe played louder than its surrounding notes,but it must also be phrased with acertain amount of freedom.Much of the beauty and excitement of the bossa novalies in the contrast between the melody,phrased rather freely,and the rhythmsection which is rather tight sounding and very even.This is well illustrated bythe music of Villa-Lobos.This greatest of Brazilian composers wrote manyhighly rhythmic pieces for the guitar,but did not hesitate to employ ritards,ral-lentandos,accelerandos and other breaks in tempo in order to enhance the mel-ody.HOW TO PRACTICE THESE ARRANGEMENTSSome of the arrangements in this folio will be a challenge for the averageplayer.I would like to suggest a method of practice that may be helpful.Use ametronome or other method of keeping a slow,steady tempo.Keep the eighth notein mind as the basic rhythmic unit,not the quarter note.Practice very slowly un-til you have the co-ordination of the various parts under the hand as well as inyour ear.Only then should you attempt to bring the piece up to proper tempo.PLAYING RHYTHM GUITAR IN THE BOSSA NOVAI think a few words might be appropriate here on the subject of playingrhythm guitar in the bossa nova.For example,when backing up a vocalist or so-loist:Just adding even eighth notes to the rhythm section is a help:etc
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