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709页节奏教材African Polyphony and Polyrhythm Musical Structure and Methodology by Simha Arom (z-lib.org)

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Simha AromAfricanPolyphonyPolyrhythmMusical Structureand MethodologyAfrican polyphony and polyrhythmz插件网演示件网演示站This work is devoted to the subject of polyphony and polyrhythm in Central Africa.It is divided into six independent parts.The first is a general introduction to the socialand typological aspects of traditional Central African music.The second concerns the execution of polyphonic music throughout Sub-Saharantechniques employed.The second provides a chronological listing and a critical analysisof source materials on polyphony of the African continent(diverse reports and descrip-The third part deals with the available technological tools,i.e.,with how polyphonicmusic transmitted by oral tradition can be studied,the various ways of recording it,and a detailed description of the author's method,its theoretical basis and its anthropo-logical validity.The fourth part deals with the conceptual tools:the notion of relevance the questionof transcription of orally transmitted music and the analytical procedures applied to it.The fifth part is devoted to the temporal structuring of African music.This point isof capital importance for understanding Central African polyphony and polyrhythmics.A description of the principles underlying the temporal organisation of traditionalSub-Saharan music is here provided.The sixth and last part deals with the diverse polyphonie and polyrhythmic techniquesto be found in the Central African Republic.A typology is proposed,and separatechapters are then devoted to each of the four categories which are set up,and to theirunderlying principles.These chapters are illustrated with over 450 music examples.Each part is intended to be self-contained so that it can be read independently.This isexpressed by the division of the work into Books.
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