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THE BEGINNER S GUIDE TOJAZZ GUITARStep-by-step instructions withaudio guitar tabsJAZZGUITAR.BE2ContentsChapter 1-Jazz Guitar Chords...............17 Essential Jazz Guitar Chords For Beginners......9How to Transpose Guitar Chords..........13Your First Jazz Chord Progression.................Essential Jazz Comping Rhythms............18Autumn Leaves comping Study...24Chapter 2-Playing Jazz Standards...2910 Beginner Jazz Standards.......29Autumn Leaves Melody.........40Autumn Leaves Chord Melody..........43chapter 3-Jazz Guitar Arpeggios.48Arpeggios,What Are They and How Do They Work?....................48The Minor Arpeggio.....51The Dominant Arpeggio.......56The Major Arpeggio….573Combining The 3 Basic Arpeggio Shapes..............................Arpeggios of the C Major Scale.........71Spicing It Up-Approach Notes.......74Spicing It Up:Enclosures.........76Autumn Leaves Arpeggio Study.......78chapter 4-Jazz Guitar Scales...83The Major Blues Scale........83The Natural Minor Scale..........85Harmonic Minor Scale....87Melodic Minor Scale......89Autumn Leaves Scale Solo .......92chapter 5-Jazz Guitar Licks.9610 Classic Bebop Licks............97Jazz Blues Licks.…109Charlie Christian Licks..115Joe Pass Licks
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